sliced tri tip on a cutting board
Common Questions

What is Tri-Tip?

What is Tri-Tip?

Tri-Tip, more formally known is the tensor fasciae latae, is a small triangular muscle located in the bottom sirloin cut of the animal. Historically ground up for hamburger meat, it started to gain popularity as a standalone roast in the 1950’s in the Central Coast and Central Valley of California. Although it’s a relatively lean piece of meat, the Tri-Tip is incredibly juicy (if not overcooked) and very tender if sliced against the grain. You’ll see it as a mainstay in Santa Maria style BBQ, seasoned simply with black pepper, salt, and garlic, and cooked over red oak. That being said, it’s a versatile cut that you can successfully cook a variety of ways.

diagram showing where the tri tip is on a cow

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